Linux, Bacon and Deadlifts, Part 4: The Lightweight Edition (Everything is Relative)

Been a while since I did a LBD post due to being way too busy, but I'm trying to remedy that, so here it is. ## "Unused RAM is wasted RAM" True statement, or dumb statement? Well, it's true, unused resources are wasted resources. However, using even just 15% of all your resources on a … Continue reading Linux, Bacon and Deadlifts, Part 4: The Lightweight Edition (Everything is Relative)

Using dmenu to Connect/Disconnect Network and Poweroff/Reboot on OpenBSD

Let's be honest, connecting/disconnecting the network, or powering off a computer through the command line isn't exactly hard to do. There's nothing complicated about typing doas ifconfig down, or doas shutdown -p now. My biggest advice is to try to stick to the command line as much as possible, and learn to enjoy it's simplicity, … Continue reading Using dmenu to Connect/Disconnect Network and Poweroff/Reboot on OpenBSD

Debian Bullseye with OpenRC

NOTE: This post is deprecated. A better and more reliable post, which includes instructions on how to switch to Sysvinit and Runit as well as OpenRC is available here: Obligatory disclaimer for oversensitive people: this isn't an anti-systemd post, it's a pro-OpenRC one. I like Debian, I like OpenRC, I wanted to try them … Continue reading Debian Bullseye with OpenRC